Throw Off Your Chains

Throw Off Your Chains!!

Today is the feast day of St Peter and St Paul. You might not know that, and I only know that because my church is St Paul’s and we have had a joint service tonight with St Peter’s down the road. It was a great service, but apart from the great fellowship and praise that we shared (not to mention a bloody good sing) I learned a bit more of the story of our respective patron saints.

Perhaps I should have known this already (I have been part of St Paul’s church all my life…) but the story is fascinating. Peter had been arrested by Herod and was due to be tried, but the night before that he was in his cell and chained by both wrists to two soldiers. During the night an angel appeared, hit him on his side and told him to stand up, throw of your chains and walk out of the door. Peter did that and therefore escaped certain death by Herod’s hand and made his way out of the city.  That particular experience was what it took for him to believe in God’s promises to the Jews and his faith was born.

Now then, what’s holding you down? What is chaining you to your cell?  Are you in pain? In despair? Frightened of living? Searching for  answers? How about the balancing the emotional strain of looking after loved ones? Or like me, struggling to deal with physical illness?

How about today you throw off those chains? Can you imagine how free you will feel if you just stand up and escape??!

I’m not for one minute suggesting that as we all sleep tonight a host of angels is going to come down and bash us all in the side with their swords to get the message across, but can you imagine what a difference we will make to the world if we refuse to let our chains continue to bind us?

Come on and join me. Let’s throw off our chains. Let’s see what we can do!

9 thoughts on “Throw Off Your Chains

  1. viviellevirgule

    Thanks for sharing. I actually did know that today is the feast of Saints Peter and Paul in the Orthodox Church, but didn’t know that other denominations celebrated today as well.


  2. Fascinating day to read your post. Today we threw off the chains of gate guarding. Bob got a job as an accounting consultant for a small general contractor in San Antonio, Texas. We will no longer be breathing blowing dust and surrounded by all kinds of bugs.

    It will be interesting to live this new chapter of our lives.



  3. Peter was set free by his faith. We can be free of the chains that bind also; if we believe. Not only faith in a Higher Power but faith in ourselves.
    Blessings – Maxi


  4. misswhiplash

    My chains were released many years ago when I gave my life back to Christ and became a Born Again Christian…. I always was a Christian but some times we forget that we belong to Christ and go merrily on our own way…this heads for trouble. So as you say throw off the chains that bind you , give your life back to the person who died on a cross that you would have everlasting life and who every day forgives your sins. Praise The Lord!


  5. Being raised Catholic I knew this story as a child, sadly it has been a long time since ZI have thought of it. Thank you for such a perfect reminder of a story that speaks volumes to the adult me now.

    May God’s Blessing’s fill your home, your heart, and with His Love


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